شركة مجموعة الرؤيه الليبيه للاتصالات وتقنية المعلومات و الخدمات المضافه
Libyan vision group for communication, information technology and added services
Libvision is an agent and distributor for Sepura company
Trusted by public safety and commercial organisations around the world
Thousands of organisations, from emergency services to mining, trust Sepura’s secure solutions to deliver business and mission critical communications every day.
Whether it’s upgrading your current TETRA communications or implementing a future-proof hybrid fleet, our expert team is here to advise and support you to deliver the solution that best meets your operational needs.
A complete portfolio of next generation TETRA devices, covering a wide range of mission critical and business user needs.
The SC Series support the latest technology developments today with apps functionality through Sepura AppSPACE and Wi-Fi connectivity, SC terminals are a sound investment for tomorrow.

Over The Air Programming (OTAP)
Save time, reduce costs, and keep radios in service with automatic re-programming and updates via Wi-Fi with Sepura Over the Air Programming (OTAP). Sepura’s resilient, intelligent and durable SC Series hand-
portable and mobile radios now feature Wi-Fi OTAP, Wi-Fienabling seamless remote upgrades, in the field, with minimum disruption to radio operation.
SC radios within authorised Wi-Fi coverage can be
automatically updated over the air to install or download radio configuration, AppSPACE apps, Phonebook, Fleetmap, PIN/PUK codes, SDAs, privacy, WAP configuration and licence files.

Our apps are designed to connect people, devices and systems to deliver critical information to the right people at the right time. Streamlining and automating essential processes; enabling customer organisations to maximise staff safety and improve mission outcomes whilst lowering costs through increased operational efficiency.
Our capabilities include device apps for hand-portable radios and mobile devices communicating with control rooms via middleware applications. These applications are capable of performing business logic and data analysis. Whatever the challenge, we specialise in scalable products and solutions that evolve with customers’ critical communications needs.